Thursday, August 30, 2007

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Curriculum vitae

Ferdinand Charlemagne


Diploma in Trombone at the Conservatory of Foggia, he continued his studies at the Conservatory first S. Pietro a Maiella in Naples and later at the Conservatorio S. Cecilia in Rome where he studied composition and band instrumentation.

Abilitatosi the teaching of Music, he taught as Professor of that subject at the middle school State Leopoldo Pilla Venafro. At the same time directing many schools for instrumentalists, creating the raw material to form numerous orchestras and bands, mixed with children, many of which are now esteemed professionals .

E 'author of didactic treatises. for both amateurs and professionals, as a " Method for Electronic Organ ', one for Accordion" Accordion easy "and a keyboard " fun with the keyboards . " He wrote also a treatise on the division apt to teach division and transportation directly with the instrument, to those students who wish to devote himself professionally to music. The treaty, is written in two volumes, and is entitled " School of Rhythm." He wrote again , ' a treaty to help Mr. Masters in the difficult task of creating new bands " bands arising " and is the author of numerous compositions, including a series of compositions for Small, Medium and Large Band which gave the name de:

"I marciabili of Band'allegra" .

nigger lover of music, has made several study tours in tropical countries, to study the rhythmic phrasing and the music system of those people.

These experiences have inspired the various compositions including:

piece swing for modern Wind Orchestra .

Brio, Cuba, Oasis, Desert Rose, Savannah, syncopated Scherzo; Designation No. 1, etc. ...

Other traditional compositions for band at the moment are:

Marce brilliant :

Alba love, Allegra;, happy years; Children are happy; Hello, Dusk, Inspiration, Life force, children's games , Joie de vivre; joyful cry; Horn, ice cream fell, Letizia; Monella; Pari and odd small musicians, Rondini, Dew, saucy, Smile, Sun, Tweety.

Marce teasing:

Donkey Dr. Antonio; The lost cause; Pava 'Ndo; (brand dedicated to the King of presumptuous)

Marce concert:

Boy: Ecstasy; Gold, K2, Life, OK My dogs, Passion, Vigor, Vittorio Marandola (Heroic Carabineer Cervaro, Gold Medal for Valor)

After the tragic events of September 11, he composed a funeral march headed note:

"Eleven September 2001"

currently dedicated to the study of teaching, research and harmonic composition .

Regina Russell Hardcore

Presentazione del metodo



Charlemagne Ferdinand I , author of this work .

First let me say that my method for organ or electronic keyboard to which a pedal is applied, is the only job in the world printed by hand. In fact the music is imitating the handwriting system of the press while the shares were handwritten, with imagination, trying to invent a different spelling of each piece.
(See sample pages of graphs).

The work, which consists of 118 pages, was designed to allow those who wish to devote to the study of music, learn to read correctly even parts of some difficulty, without boring exercises and music theory music theory.

To achieve For this purpose, were used well-known songs that at times have been changed rhythmically to help you understand the various musical figures, which are explained with practical examples.

The signed agreements are marked with the system of the countries of Latin than with English-speaking (important to know because it adopted in many countries).

To make it even lighter than the study, not been fully complied the rules of classical harmony.

In fact, the student learns the position of an agreement and always use the same, at least at first, even when the other hand sounds a note that creates a doubling in harmony.

(Do not be alarmed the learner for the last sentence, which surely will not understand.

These are technical things that do not affect in any way for student enjoyment .)

The method is supported by a CD in MP3 format for most è stato registrato dal vivo, durante le normali lezioni. Su questo CD ci sono incise 159 lezioni che durano complessivamente oltre sette ore e quaranta primi e portano un allievo che parte da zero a leggere ed a suonare pezzi di media difficoltà, in un tempo straordinariamente ridotto.

Esso è particolarmente adatto a chi non ha un Maestro o ne vuole fare a meno.

In questo supporto, ogni singola lezione, viene spiegata con chiarezza, come se il Maestro fosse presente in carne ed ossa e non come una voce registrata (ascolta un frammento del file audio “Prima lezione”). Dopo aver assimilato la lezione, ogni pezzo viene suonato assieme alla registrazione che spiega in anticipo quali diffico ltà si devono superare e come fare per raggiungere velocemente lo scopo.

Il metodo è stato scritto dopo essere stato testato su centinaia di allievi, di ogni età, che negli anni, lo hanno sperimentato ed hanno imparato divertendosi.

Il lavoro si divide in nove capitoli, oltre agli esercizi di impostazione della mano destra, di quella sinistra e della pedaliera, alla quale sono dedicati diversi esercizi che danno agli allievi una ottima padronanza della stessa.

Si inizia con pezzi very easy and, as is a new figure, this is explained with practical examples.

The various chapters cover the following topics:

Chapter I Suonatine with accompanying notes and financial instruments required to understand the first musical figure.

Chapter II Suonatine with rhythmic accompaniment, eighth notes and practical exercises on the eighth rests (Listen file lesson N ° 67 eighth rest).

Chapter III He began to study the low alternating eighth notes with abbreviations and some point of writing.

Chapter IV We study the steps below, the compound tenses, cut time and variations to the accompaniment of rhythmic time 3 / 4 and 4 / 4 using the same songs in the first study.

Chapter V The pieces begin to study with notes held into the left hand.

Chapter VI We study the figures of modern music, the irregular groups, excess and defect (fragment Lez Play. No. 126 figures of modern music).

Chapter VII polyphonic pieces are studied and various shapes with which you can write the same pace.

Chapter VIII We study the simultaneous processing of groups of notes that can not be divided between them, such as triplets and Duin, who are taught using the metric of sentences of spoken language (listen Lez . No. 151 in contrasting rhythms and Lez. No. 157 quarter note triplets and Duin chroma).

Chapter IX "Formation of the agreements," explains how to build major agreements, the different positions they can assume and the color progression of the fundamental agreements of all major and minor keys.

( The photos shown on this blog, is the cover of my other work that will be ready soon).

The author

Charlemagne Ferdinand

Watch Tay Du Ky 2 Online 1998

Per contattarmi

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e-mail addresses;



Cell. 3394761191

If you prefer to talk, you can do free using, on the internet, the service Skype. be able to contact just click on the button "SEARCH" then enter my nickname caram821 and call me. Should you not be in line can send a chat, which riuserò reply as soon as the computer.

Another way I could contact is Yahoo Messenger, with this ID elettorefrgato @

As you see, is very easy to agree on a schedule that works for both, to discuss and know .

you soon!

Loose Stools After Parvo

Alcune pagina del mio metodo

To listen to demo some of the lessons are on the CD accompanying the method, copy and paste the link below the address bar.

clicking on the images, you can see enlarged.

To listen to demo some of the lessons are on the CD accompanying the method, copy the link below and paste in the address bar.