You can not take pictures in the ashram, so our description will be mainly verbal ... It 's really very difficult for me to describe Amritapuri, because it is a real "trip" interiore, molto personale.
Si è indubbiamente alla presenza di un Maestro spirituale, che dedica tutta la sua vita agli altri, a 360 gradi, dagli indigenti, alle persone colpite da catastrofi, ai curiosi, ai suoi discepoli, a chi è alla ricerca di sè, e lo fa attraverso forme differenti: offre cibo, pratiche spirituali, istruzione. Diffonde pensieri ed azioni ecologiche in India, i ragazzi delle sue scuole stanno organizzando un servizio di raccolta di rifiuti per le strade dei villaggi.
"La natura altro non è che la manifestazione visibile del divino." Amma
Un esempio vivente di come potrebbe essere il pianeta se ognuno di noi uscisse dal proprio egoismo. Abbraccia uno ad uno chiunque like, whispering in his ear a message for you, gives you a small gift (prasad), responds to questions of rivers, and is a manifestation of Love. Few words and many facts.
Its presence is strong, feel and stay in the ashram is not easy, is a bit 'as if they accelerated the healing process for everyone. There are many people suffering here, so many cultures, Western and Indian people from all over the world, she welcomed everyone, and so do his disciples, which work in organizing every aspect of this complex place, as volunteers. Three thousand permanent residents more crowds of visitors every day, and this makes it difficult to everyday life. It is not at all a quiet place, where in silence to listen to their inner life, because here the self, the inner divine aspect, is serving prossino and thus expanding their limits. At least a couple of hours each day, even casual visitors, the dedication to the Seva (selfless service), serving meals, cleaning the floors, helping in the kitchen, taking care of the shop and so on.
day is punctuated by several spiritual practices that begin at four-thirty in the morning, chanting of mantras, meditation, service and meditation on the beach at night (sometimes leaving a space for Amma domende and answers) and devotional songs .
There are many aspects that a Westerner could criticize, there is much room for improvement, but the effort to make this place accessible to Westerners, families, elderly presone, is large (there is a small pool, there is a cafe ...).
Ten days later we decide to leave, the 27 is the birthday of Amma, and they expect 50,000 people ... and for us it is a bit 'too much. So we head towards the next stage, 16-hour train ride to get to what appears to be the world's largest eco-village: Auroville.
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