Friday, July 23, 2010

Oovoo Cannot Detect Camera


the real journey started for us now, now that we have encountered different places, lifestyles, world views and life. Back in Piedmont we felt a great sense of strangeness, and yet there are people very dear to us in that part of the world. Yes some of the world that has unique features like no other, and yet ... Right now is not the place where we feel that life takes.

The annual meeting of the Ecovillage in Europe this year was hosted in Damanhur ... A situation is a bit 'difficult per noi, che siamo Italiani e soprattutto riusciamo a coglier sfumature che altre persone di nazionalità diversa percepiscono come semplicemente bizzarre. Siamo andati a questo incontro per sentire quali affinità ci potevano ispirare per andare a visitare qualche ecovillaggio e... Abbiamo compreso per il momento che non ci sono ecovillaggi in Europa che ci attraggono particolarmente. Siamo anche un po' confusi a dire il vero dal significato di ecovillaggio... termine forse un po' abusato... che cosa significa ecovillaggio? Che cosa si trova sotto il cappello di ecovillaggio? Un po' di tutto a dire il vero...

Quella che ci anima adesso però è un Energia nuova, che ci stà portando verso l'India, perchè now our journey has clearly turned into an inner journey in search of what for us is the true essence, we feel that we belong to something that does not yet know but that guides us and asks us to trust, how can a young bird in front of a precipice which is the single biggest leap of his life.

's so that we feel that it is easy to trust when you have a house, a job, and you know what you will do tomorrow or next month, is less easy to trust in something you believe in something you feel but you can not see out of you, in that dimension that is called reality. And you can not even ask for a comparison, because the comparisons with you bring your loved ones to have only more confusion, because the answers on this trip come from within, or at least by a messenger met by chance when you least expect it.

So confidence is!

's why our real journey begins now.

So, following our heart, we decided to return to Umbria, a magical land that is steeped in his own breath with the Spirit and inspiring presence.

The vibration in Umbria is truly ours, we feel at home in the enchanted woods and hills, a gentle breeze refreshes us and Tiziana, a young friend with his son Mukunda, there are the RV park near their house in a charming place. Our kids pitch a tent and sleep there in recent days. Ospitralità more than a fraternal, other angels in our path. In a very natural way we have become community, sharing their house in the woods, the days, meals, bathing in the "Three I", just a short moment or very valuable.

This site has allowed us to rest and take a bit of energy.

An important decision was taken in this place: we go to India in September in the ashram of Amma, because that's what we hear.

Yes, we did make that phone call to confirm the purchase of the ticket!

Now leave again for a few days on the lake Trasimeno for a meeting of Guru Purnima and next week in the province of Prato in Italy meet the families dealing with parental education.

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Do U Know If U Have Dandruff

Annual Conference of GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) Europe

We went there with high expectations.

We had the intention really interesting to meet, special people, with a special life, they lived in line with an idea, with the dream of a better world ... respect for other living beings and the whole earth. In reality we

met many people on the road (some even a bit ... 'disillusioned after years and years of community, others maybe a little' dazzled by your project ...).

But what does change the world? How each of us want to feel better? Building environmentally friendly? Eat organic food? Raising animals for slaughter in an "ethical"? Be energy self-sufficient? Achieving new awareness? Finding new ways to live together and promote peace?

Many heads, many ideas ... but there was like a shadow on the probable nature of the international event, a little 'show and a little' showcase, and it almost seemed as if the strength of the race for success, communication, manipulative and approval that do not want to give space to minorities, was going to pollute this world, that group of "pure" maybe a bit 'naive, who have many nice things to say.

How can we forget the power of the Laughter Yoga that made us feel what a laugh can connect with the deepest part of us changing the energy of the situation?

And how many tools we learned in the workshop on the management of power led by one of the smaller communities ...

And what about the small Finnish community with their great hearts and great convenience ...

We know that both small and large actually have need to be together and also have a legal form and space levels "that count", but the question we ask is that we leave open is whether sraà it possible that communities are able to bring the truth in relationships, depth and onestà, senza venire inquinate da meccanismi malati e senza perdere la loro freschezza...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Does Citric Acid Aggrivate Gout

The council brings calm ...

Sotto i pini, in riva all'oceano, la voce di Ulisses di Taldea, al telefono ci ricorda che dal 6 all'11 di Luglio in Italia ci sarà un importante incontro degli ecovillaggi e comunità a livello Europeo. Può essere una grande occasione per incontrare di persona diversi rappresentanti delle varie realtà europee. Quindi? Ci vediamo là! Se volete dare un'occhiata in Internet potete trovare qui il programma.

Ritornare in Italia ci sembra così strano in questo momento... Anche la nostra mente is destabilized by this choice. Perhaps it is too early to return to the places known to come to terms with what we are no longer, not knowing yet what we are now or will be. Maybe, maybe, maybe ... Yet it is the right thing to do, I feel, because we really want to meet the biggest and compared to discuss issues dear to us.

Somehow we feel connected with the world of eco-villages, we also part of this movement, although there is still not clear on our role.

Here is a definition of ecovillage by the GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) in Europe, that we find interesting and inspiring.

Next step? I'll say in six days (for no other reason, it is because we have no idea).