Monday, July 5, 2010

Does Citric Acid Aggrivate Gout

The council brings calm ...

Sotto i pini, in riva all'oceano, la voce di Ulisses di Taldea, al telefono ci ricorda che dal 6 all'11 di Luglio in Italia ci sarà un importante incontro degli ecovillaggi e comunità a livello Europeo. Può essere una grande occasione per incontrare di persona diversi rappresentanti delle varie realtà europee. Quindi? Ci vediamo là! Se volete dare un'occhiata in Internet potete trovare qui il programma.

Ritornare in Italia ci sembra così strano in questo momento... Anche la nostra mente is destabilized by this choice. Perhaps it is too early to return to the places known to come to terms with what we are no longer, not knowing yet what we are now or will be. Maybe, maybe, maybe ... Yet it is the right thing to do, I feel, because we really want to meet the biggest and compared to discuss issues dear to us.

Somehow we feel connected with the world of eco-villages, we also part of this movement, although there is still not clear on our role.

Here is a definition of ecovillage by the GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) in Europe, that we find interesting and inspiring.

Next step? I'll say in six days (for no other reason, it is because we have no idea).


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