We went there with high expectations.
We had the intention really interesting to meet, special people, with a special life, they lived in line with an idea, with the dream of a better world ... respect for other living beings and the whole earth. In reality we
met many people on the road (some even a bit ... 'disillusioned after years and years of community, others maybe a little' dazzled by your project ...).
But what does change the world? How each of us want to feel better? Building environmentally friendly? Eat organic food? Raising animals for slaughter in an "ethical"? Be energy self-sufficient? Achieving new awareness? Finding new ways to live together and promote peace?
Many heads, many ideas ... but there was like a shadow on the probable nature of the international event, a little 'show and a little' showcase, and it almost seemed as if the strength of the race for success, communication, manipulative and approval that do not want to give space to minorities, was going to pollute this world, that group of "pure" maybe a bit 'naive, who have many nice things to say.
How can we forget the power of the Laughter Yoga that made us feel what a laugh can connect with the deepest part of us changing the energy of the situation?
And how many tools we learned in the workshop on the management of power led by one of the smaller communities ...
And what about the small Finnish community with their great hearts and great convenience ...
We know that both small and large actually have need to be together and also have a legal form and space levels "that count", but the question we ask is that we leave open is whether sraà it possible that communities are able to bring the truth in relationships, depth and onestà, senza venire inquinate da meccanismi malati e senza perdere la loro freschezza...
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