Auroville, ecovillage? Spiritual community?
No, Auroville seems to be something else. Auroville is an idea. An experiment. A city founded because people of good will to experience the conscious living, with the aspiration to live in Truth. (... Unfortunately as I try to translate in simple terms the concepts that underlie pernsiero of Auroville and Aurobindo and Mere ... I have to give up ... I can not, I struggle to understand their philosophy, I must admit).
For Auroville there are no leaders, there are areas related to each other, but it is not easy to understand how people interact and the end is to make decisions.
Auroville is not perfect and nor is the human being.
Auroville was founded by the vision of the Mere, the Charter of Auroville, and his words in the "dream" expresses the nature and aspiration,
So runs the Auroville card:
1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the servant of God Consciousness voluntary.
2. Auroville will be the place of unending education, of a continuous progress, and a youth without old age.
3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries exterior and interior, Auroville wants out boldly towards the achievements to come.
4. Auroville will be a place of research material and spiritual, to give a living body to a true Human Unity.
And this is the dream:
"There should be somewhere in the Earth a place that no nation has the right to say:" And 'I'. A place where every man of good will, with a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world in obedience to a single authority, that of the Supreme Truth. A place of peace, concord, harmony, where the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer la causa delle sue miserie e della sua sofferenza, per superare la debolezza e l'ignoranza, per trionfare sui propri limiti e sulle proprie incapacità. Un luogo dove i bisogni dello spirito e la ricerca del progresso prevalgano sul soddisfacimento dei desideri e delle passioni, sulla ricerca del piacere e del godimento materiale.
In questo luogo i bambini potrebbero crescere e svilupparsi integralmente senza perdere il contatto con la loro anima; l'istruzione sarebbe data non per superare esami od ottenere diplomi e sistemazioni, ma per arricchire le facoltà esistenti e farne nascere di nuove. In questo luogo i titoli e le posizioni sarebbero sostituiti da occasioni per servire ed organizzare; si provvederebbe in ugual misura ai bisogni di ognuno and intellectual superiority, moral and spiritual organization would result not in more pleasure and power, but in more duties and responsibilities. The beauty in all art forms (painting, sculpture, music and literature) would be equally accessible to all, being entitled to participate in the joy that it gives only limited by the capacity of each individual and not by social or financial position.
This is because in this place money would no longer be the sovereign master, the personal value importance would infinitely superior to that of wealth and social position. The work would not be a means to earn a living, but the means to express and develop their skills and capabilities, while serving the group as a whole which, in turn, provide the necessities of existence and scope of each.
In summary, it would be a place where the relationship between humans, which usually are based almost exclusively on competition and competition would be replaced by feelings of rivalry to cooperation and true brotherhood. "
Announcements on Auroville can be found on the site, click here
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