Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Analysis of Potential - PPA Test Test The analysis of the potential consists of 200 questions and each has three possible alternative responses. It takes about 45 minutes to do so and has no time limit. The test 10 shows the personality traits of work which provides guidance on production ability of the person.

Our experienced consultants will evaluate the information provided by the test in relation to the actions needed to help the person to perform his job better. This includes the way in which the person should be managed as well as training activities and necessary to increase a person's ability to win on his job

The results are precise, direct and provide a clear and clear picture of relationships in the workplace of the person with himself and to his colleagues.

Questa analisi è uno strumento eccellente e di inestimabile valore nello sviluppo e crescita del personale esistente.

Lo scopo nel fare questa analisi al proprio personale è di individuare in che modo rendere ogni persona più efficace e più volenterosa di fare la sua parte e creare quindi un Team produttivo e vincente

  • Ottenere la massima prestazione da ognuno dei vostri collaboratori
  • Costruire il miglior team possibile con le risorse esistenti
  • Programmare inserimenti e avanzamenti per l’espansione aziendale

Oggetto dell’analisi
  • La missione aziendale
  • L’Organigramma
  • Misuratori di performance
  • Il potenziale di ognuno dei suoi collaboratori
  • L’attuale livello di involvement with business objectives
  • The current position and the ideal job

Intervention on collaborators
  • administration of the test
  • Interview and delivery of test results
  • Interview motivation and incentive
  • final report on the weaknesses, strengths, what to do to improve performance and determination towards the achievement of corporate objectives

tools in his possession
  • A passkey for each of its employees to stimulate, encourage and push them all ' Action
  • An organizational chart and re-entry program that makes the company expand

The features are:

STABILITY - measures the level of concentration, standards and sense of ' order, organization and planning as well the level of persistence toward a goal assigned work.
-FELICITA measure the level of enthusiasm, joy and satisfaction in reaching a target business or the lack of these factors at work
composure - measures the calm, quiet, self-control, patience and ability to relax, related to an environment working in opposition to the nervousness and irritability.
CERTAINTY - measures the clarity of observation and knowledge, consistency and predictability in the workplace.
ACTIVITIES - measures the level of energy, dynamism, initiative, vitality, initiative and vigor in the workplace.
THRUST - size determination, drive, conviction, determination, aggressiveness and strength working towards goals.
LIABILITY - causatività extent, the sense of duty, the ability to be objective and impartial in the workplace.
revised estimates - measures the constructive criticism, the level of understanding, reasoning, logic and fairness on work situations.
EMPATHY - measures the friendship, agreement, kindness, courtesy, trust and affection towards other people in the workplace.
COMMUNICATION-Measuring the quality of communication, warmth as well as lively and expressive communication in the workplace

Try it free
and complete the test

one of our consultants will call you to arrange a meeting

and view the results of

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Friday, November 12, 2010

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Epoch Business Analysis Business Analysis

To help those who turn us, he is a business customer who attend our workshops, a student seeking a degree or another, we seek to assist in solving what is really addressed to improve its condition and prosper.

To this end, we provide a series of tests to identify both the strengths and weaknesses. In this way we can assess accurately the situation in which the person is and give them exactly what they need. Here we present a test that you can use now to understand in which areas your company can improve.
You can request the forms to fill it from the comfort of your home or office.

Quest'accurata business analysis has been developed on the basis of a specific administrative technology, the end result will be judged based on your answers and the various characteristics specified at the beginning of the test.
It 's a professional survey of 100 specific questions that can provide insight into your business.
The survey highlights both the strengths of your company (allowing you to derive maximum benefit), and problem areas (ie those factors that block the vero potenziale e l’espansione). I risultati saranno indicati su un grafico come quello qui mostrato, che classifica la tua società in base a 10 diversi tratti.
Una volta completato il test, un consulente valuterà le tue risposte in base alle quali sviluppiamo un grafico con il profilo della tua azienda.

Il grafico classifica la tua società in base a 10 diversi tratti: tuttavia le relazioni che intercorrono tra questi tratti celano importanti aspetti visibili solo all’occhio di un esperto valutatore.

per farti inviare la modulistica da compilare e fissare poi un incontro con un nostro consulente per la consegna dei risultati dell'analisi

Descrizione delle caratteristiche misurate dal test
MANAGEMENT: Questa colonna misura l'efficacia della Dirigenza nel gestire l'azienda da un punto di vista strategico (ideazione dei piani e loro esecuzione). 
ORGANIZZAZIONE Questa colonna ha a che fare con le funzioni della divisione personale e organizzazione. Funzioni queste che risultano in personale produttivo, un'azienda ordinata che funziona senza problemi (in maniera ordinata, senza guai, interruzioni, ecc.) con il minimo dispendio di tempo dovuto a confusioni, poca chiarezza dei ruoli, non esecuzione degli ordini, ecc.
RIPETITIVITA’ DELLE VENDITE: In questa colonna un funzionamento efficace creerà un fatturato stabile e/o in aumento in quanto vendite ripetitive a clienti esistenti provvedono una base stabile dalla quale espandersi.
AMMINISTRAZIONE: Questa colonna non include the effectiveness of financial planning (which is measured in column Management). Here we focus on the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of administrative tasks.
PRODUCTION: The questions in this section are expressed in general terms so as to cover every area of \u200b\u200bproduction. The responses indicate primarily as the manager sees the quality of products and services delivered by his company.
QUALITY: These questions were put together in order to determine whether or not there are systems to maintain and increase the quality company. For quality not only means the product quality, but even if there are ways to improve the quality of men in the company.
EXPANSION (growth / no growth) This function measures how much the company is able to acquire new customers or if you are focusing only on customers who already have. This section measures the expansion that the company is having. If it is very low, sooner or later will come the fall. To resolve a low score in this column should attract new sellers spend in finding new customers and even a course to help the Sales Manager.
STRESS MANAGEMENT: If This section does not fit so if the manager is stressed out. All managers are stressed. Measure how much he can let us deal with that stress.
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: This column indicates agreement or disagreement with the basic principles in the management of functional or persons
AVAILABILITY 'AID: This measure taken because the person is open to receiving advice and assistance from an external source.

for you to send the forms to fill out and then set a meeting with one of our consultants to deliver the results of

Monday, November 1, 2010

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NEW! Online course on the Manual for the success of Small Businesses

Yes, we did it!

Handbook for Success of Small and Medium Enterprises, selling book, now has an online course , you can do is you that your employees.

In che modo il fare questo corso aiuterà il tuo business?

  • Aumentando la produttività e la cooperazione dei tuoi collaboratori.
  • Fornendo, sia a te che al tuo team, strumenti per il problem solving che funzionano veramente.
  • Incrementando le tue entrate ed i tuoi profitti.
  • Riducendo lo stress nell'ambiente di lavoro.
  • making it easier, both you and your staff, to reach daily production targets.

You and your employees can follow the distance learning course (via email) or in the classroom, according to your needs. There is also a version of the course is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and another that is specific to the employees.

More than 240,000 organizations around the world are already using the principles contained in this book. Why? Why work and deliver results.

owners and employees otterranno risultati immediati non appena completeranno ogni singolo passo del corso "Il Manuale per il Successo delle Piccole e Medie Imprese".

Ordina il tuo corso adesso!     

Versione Imprenditori
Aumenta le tue performance e la cooperazione dei tuoi collaboratori. Armati con strumenti per il problem-solving che funzionano veramente. Aumenta le tue entrate ed i tuoi profitti. Riduci lo stress sul posto di lavoro. Fai si che sia facile per te ottenere le cose fatte. Ottieni tutto questo e molto altro ancora con il corso "Il Manuale per il Successo delle piccole e Medie Imprese - versione imprenditori". Il corso potrà essere amministrato via posta, fax o email.
Versione Dipendenti
Aumenta le performance e la cooperazione dei tuoi collaboratori. Arma i tuoi collaboratori con strumenti per il problem-solving che funzionano veramente. Aumenta le tue entrate ed i tuoi profitti. Riduci lo stress sul posto di lavoro. Fai si che sia facile, per i tuoi collaboratori, ottenere le cose fatte. Ottieni tutto questo e molto altro ancora con il corso "Il Manuale per il Successo delle piccole e Medie Imprese - versione dipendenti". Il corso potrà essere amministrato by mail, fax or email.

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