Monday, June 21, 2010

What Age To Stop Getting A Brazilian Wax

community Erraid

small Hebridean island, reachable by foot at low tide from the larger island of Mull. It was inhabited by the families of lighthouse keepers, which was sold when the use of electricity has made them independent from the constant presence of man. A Dutch family purchased the island in the twenties and now, thirty years the Findhorn Foundation manages the island and the houses for 11 months a year, in exchange for leaving the Dutch to their heirs the opportunity to go there during the month of July.
live there permanently families with three adults and two children. Dealing derived from cows that milk and meat, chickens, an orchard and a laboratory that produces candles.
Throughout the year there are guests exchange the volunteers who work with food and accommodation and others seeking a quiet place surrounded by nature in a spectacular spot to spend a bit 'of time.
On the hill they built a small meditation room, overlooking the bay. A "guard" of the meditation hall is a goose.

We are housed in two small rooms in a house you share with your child and Elga Virgil, who arrivano dalla Francia.
Quando il tempo è bello e fa piacere condividere il lavoro dell'orto,
Mercoledì è giorno libero dedicato generalmente alla visita alla vicina isola di Iona, famosa per la presenza di una bellissima abazia. A Iona c'è anche una casetta che ospita i ritiri di Findhorn, dove ci rechiamo per la meditazione che si tiene ogni giorno alle 12.00. Incontriamo persone conosciute, che ci offrono ospitalità per il pranzo.
Sebbene Erraid sia parte della Findhorn Foundation, non ci sono pressochè contatti tra le due realtà. L'unico requisito riciesto per entrare a fare parte di erraid è aver partecipato ad un'experience week a Findhorn.

studies and innovative projects in Findhorn, not seen here putting them into practice here is very focused on everyday life, you hear a large project concerning the life of the community or the ecological and sustainable ... Compost tolilet, no rainwater for washing and drinking water to boil for drinking.
houses and water are heated with wood stoves, supplemented by electric heaters for the bedrooms.
Every morning we meet for a short ride sharing how you feel and the division of responsibilities for the day. No innovation, a project end in itself and this makes you feel a sort of "cosmic stalemate." Yet the nature here is so wonderful, so strong, so incredibly magical!
The island is very beautiful, low tide gives us wonderful spots to discover crabs, shrimp, auks of all shapes and precious shells. As we discovered during a walk of a beach frequented by seals ... Miracle for us used to seeing wild boar and some deer. This is why Scotland is magical, animals of all kinds, energy, the sky is a mirror to the soul, a master of "impermanence", water, everywhere that you let the wind and move the influences of the moon teaches us fluidity and magic of life.

The Scots, great souls, kind, make us feel right at home. The midnight sun (almost) keeps us awake and gives us a lot of energy. Here the plants grow because of the light in a miraculous way. Trees representing the centuries that flow, more than two meters tall rhododendrons, which color the lush green pastures as far as the eye can see. Thanks Erraid you made us meet again in Scotland, lakes and deep blacks, joy of sleeping surrounded by unspoiled nature and be part of our traveling home with her.

Community ... Ecovillage ...
A community with no contact with a larger reality is likely to turn in on itself ... to depend excessively by the individuals who compose it, their individual stories, their difficulties, as well as their quality, and to tarnish its broadest sense, the social model, for a life without violence. A
Erraid people change often, Hether, who is the person who has lived longer to Erraid, is leaving after six years.
our trip over to teach us how to live differently, is leading us to drop the illusions, because communities are made up of people, and people are people all over the world. But our vision, our dream is even more beautiful with fewer illusions, it is più reale,più vero e così continuiamo a lasciarci portare dalle nostre intuizioni anche se alle volte ci mostrano l'aspetto amaro della vita.


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