Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What Kind Of Printer Does Bella Have In New Moon?
Every time a bell rings in the village, everyone stops to reconnect with his breathing, his heart, with everything around him awakening to the awareness of the present moment.
eyes alight wherever they find a message peace or to awaken our mindfulness
We met several Community and trails, at Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh's work has been to make available the lessons of the heart Siddhartha, that's how I like to call the Buddha. It took 39 years to understand that the Buddha was not Buddhist, and that Christ was not Christian. Here's the work that paradoxically is doing this Vietnamese teacher, sharing the Buddha's teachings in a simple, clear and mostly applied to everyday life. A great job of skimming and dogmatism of so many fantasies that revolve around the useless religion.
The price was high both for him and for all monks dl his order: the expulsion from Vietnam. Yet his presence is sweet, gentle, loving, his eyes full of peace is there, present at every thing, every being in every flower, every breath. And 'this fact, the essential message of the Great Masters like Buddha: life in all its glory is manifested in no other place as the present. So the first thing to do is be able to return to this and make sure that the mind and body are only one and that this unit can recognize the presence of the Divine, which supports us with love and gentleness always present.
This is not a dream, a distant island, inaccessible or accessible only after a life (or lives) of sacrifice and repentance. Eternal Life, Paradise, to live in peace, are here now and available to anyone in particular. That God would be otherwise? If God is Love, unconditional love then how can put conditions to perceive his presence? And where you want pecepire his presence, if not inside you? And when you feel its presence if not here, now at this very moment? Tomorrow? Yesterday?
Cocetta abstract, different, totally different from the smell of a rose, look at your hands that lovingly paint, smell the air after a storm, observe the clouds, to meet the sgurdo your child if you do not want anything that your total presence, your lover or your loved one who is in front of you and your thoughts go somewhere else, the things that you harass or create noise in your mind. But the reality is that it is difficult to be present for five minutes in a row, instead of enjoying it because we still have available health and a host of wonderful things our mind is dissociated, leads us to be absent from the perception, we fight and we live a lot of tension and conflicting emotions, desires that lead us from one side and .... That's what a community, a Sanga as he is known to Plum Village, un gruppo di persone, che come te ricercano e soprattutto mettono in pratica modi di "Essere Pace" per poter condividere Pace, per poter vivere il Paradiso Terrestre che è stato creato per noi e per tutti gli esseri di questo pianeta. Senza sfruttamenti, senza violenza vivere in modo amorevole nel rispetto della Creazione e questo si può imparare, insieme. Ecco il semplice messaggio di Plum Village.
Se volete leggere qualcosa di Thic NAth Hanh esiste una vasta bibliografia che potete trovare on line.
" La pace è ogni passo" questo è quello che si cerca di mettere in pratica e di sperimentare in ogni azione, in ogni luogo ed in ogni momento, avendo chiara la meta ma senza perdersi un solo istante che accompagna ogni singolo passo.
E allora è in questo spirito che continuiamo il nostro viaggio verso la Scozia per andare a conoscere una piccola comunità di Findhorn, anche se per noi adesso è chiaro il modello i comunità a cui ispirarci per condividere la nostra vita.
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