Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Your Favorite Captain Morgan Drink

now? Three months of retreat and contemplation in the mountains of Assisi.

When life opens a door and the heart recognizes it, our family accepted the invitation and goes beyond the threshold, this is our basic philosophy in our small family community. A decision made in minutes, and so we keep a small house in the mountains of Umbria in an enchanted place full of peace. In this quiet

rearrange our experiences, things we've learned and leave space to hear, affiche guide us in our next step. Meanwhile, something magical happens, that life is getting school for our children and us with them, and that there are around here and models to draw inspiration. In this land of hills and forests are showing many alternative realities of life ...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Play Pokemon Platinum Online

Analysis of Potential - PPA Test Test The analysis of the potential consists of 200 questions and each has three possible alternative responses. It takes about 45 minutes to do so and has no time limit. The test 10 shows the personality traits of work which provides guidance on production ability of the person.

Our experienced consultants will evaluate the information provided by the test in relation to the actions needed to help the person to perform his job better. This includes the way in which the person should be managed as well as training activities and necessary to increase a person's ability to win on his job

The results are precise, direct and provide a clear and clear picture of relationships in the workplace of the person with himself and to his colleagues.

Questa analisi è uno strumento eccellente e di inestimabile valore nello sviluppo e crescita del personale esistente.

Lo scopo nel fare questa analisi al proprio personale è di individuare in che modo rendere ogni persona più efficace e più volenterosa di fare la sua parte e creare quindi un Team produttivo e vincente

  • Ottenere la massima prestazione da ognuno dei vostri collaboratori
  • Costruire il miglior team possibile con le risorse esistenti
  • Programmare inserimenti e avanzamenti per l’espansione aziendale

Oggetto dell’analisi
  • La missione aziendale
  • L’Organigramma
  • Misuratori di performance
  • Il potenziale di ognuno dei suoi collaboratori
  • L’attuale livello di involvement with business objectives
  • The current position and the ideal job

Intervention on collaborators
  • administration of the test
  • Interview and delivery of test results
  • Interview motivation and incentive
  • final report on the weaknesses, strengths, what to do to improve performance and determination towards the achievement of corporate objectives

tools in his possession
  • A passkey for each of its employees to stimulate, encourage and push them all ' Action
  • An organizational chart and re-entry program that makes the company expand

The features are:

STABILITY - measures the level of concentration, standards and sense of ' order, organization and planning as well the level of persistence toward a goal assigned work.
-FELICITA measure the level of enthusiasm, joy and satisfaction in reaching a target business or the lack of these factors at work
composure - measures the calm, quiet, self-control, patience and ability to relax, related to an environment working in opposition to the nervousness and irritability.
CERTAINTY - measures the clarity of observation and knowledge, consistency and predictability in the workplace.
ACTIVITIES - measures the level of energy, dynamism, initiative, vitality, initiative and vigor in the workplace.
THRUST - size determination, drive, conviction, determination, aggressiveness and strength working towards goals.
LIABILITY - causatività extent, the sense of duty, the ability to be objective and impartial in the workplace.
revised estimates - measures the constructive criticism, the level of understanding, reasoning, logic and fairness on work situations.
EMPATHY - measures the friendship, agreement, kindness, courtesy, trust and affection towards other people in the workplace.
COMMUNICATION-Measuring the quality of communication, warmth as well as lively and expressive communication in the workplace

Try it free
and complete the test

one of our consultants will call you to arrange a meeting

and view the results of

ask for more information

Friday, November 12, 2010

Toilet Bowl Drains Empty

Epoch Business Analysis Business Analysis

To help those who turn us, he is a business customer who attend our workshops, a student seeking a degree or another, we seek to assist in solving what is really addressed to improve its condition and prosper.

To this end, we provide a series of tests to identify both the strengths and weaknesses. In this way we can assess accurately the situation in which the person is and give them exactly what they need. Here we present a test that you can use now to understand in which areas your company can improve.
You can request the forms to fill it from the comfort of your home or office.

Quest'accurata business analysis has been developed on the basis of a specific administrative technology, the end result will be judged based on your answers and the various characteristics specified at the beginning of the test.
It 's a professional survey of 100 specific questions that can provide insight into your business.
The survey highlights both the strengths of your company (allowing you to derive maximum benefit), and problem areas (ie those factors that block the vero potenziale e l’espansione). I risultati saranno indicati su un grafico come quello qui mostrato, che classifica la tua società in base a 10 diversi tratti.
Una volta completato il test, un consulente valuterà le tue risposte in base alle quali sviluppiamo un grafico con il profilo della tua azienda.

Il grafico classifica la tua società in base a 10 diversi tratti: tuttavia le relazioni che intercorrono tra questi tratti celano importanti aspetti visibili solo all’occhio di un esperto valutatore.

per farti inviare la modulistica da compilare e fissare poi un incontro con un nostro consulente per la consegna dei risultati dell'analisi

Descrizione delle caratteristiche misurate dal test
MANAGEMENT: Questa colonna misura l'efficacia della Dirigenza nel gestire l'azienda da un punto di vista strategico (ideazione dei piani e loro esecuzione). 
ORGANIZZAZIONE Questa colonna ha a che fare con le funzioni della divisione personale e organizzazione. Funzioni queste che risultano in personale produttivo, un'azienda ordinata che funziona senza problemi (in maniera ordinata, senza guai, interruzioni, ecc.) con il minimo dispendio di tempo dovuto a confusioni, poca chiarezza dei ruoli, non esecuzione degli ordini, ecc.
RIPETITIVITA’ DELLE VENDITE: In questa colonna un funzionamento efficace creerà un fatturato stabile e/o in aumento in quanto vendite ripetitive a clienti esistenti provvedono una base stabile dalla quale espandersi.
AMMINISTRAZIONE: Questa colonna non include the effectiveness of financial planning (which is measured in column Management). Here we focus on the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of administrative tasks.
PRODUCTION: The questions in this section are expressed in general terms so as to cover every area of \u200b\u200bproduction. The responses indicate primarily as the manager sees the quality of products and services delivered by his company.
QUALITY: These questions were put together in order to determine whether or not there are systems to maintain and increase the quality company. For quality not only means the product quality, but even if there are ways to improve the quality of men in the company.
EXPANSION (growth / no growth) This function measures how much the company is able to acquire new customers or if you are focusing only on customers who already have. This section measures the expansion that the company is having. If it is very low, sooner or later will come the fall. To resolve a low score in this column should attract new sellers spend in finding new customers and even a course to help the Sales Manager.
STRESS MANAGEMENT: If This section does not fit so if the manager is stressed out. All managers are stressed. Measure how much he can let us deal with that stress.
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: This column indicates agreement or disagreement with the basic principles in the management of functional or persons
AVAILABILITY 'AID: This measure taken because the person is open to receiving advice and assistance from an external source.

for you to send the forms to fill out and then set a meeting with one of our consultants to deliver the results of

Monday, November 1, 2010

Richest Americans By Religious Affiliation

NEW! Online course on the Manual for the success of Small Businesses

Yes, we did it!

Handbook for Success of Small and Medium Enterprises, selling book, now has an online course , you can do is you that your employees.

In che modo il fare questo corso aiuterà il tuo business?

  • Aumentando la produttività e la cooperazione dei tuoi collaboratori.
  • Fornendo, sia a te che al tuo team, strumenti per il problem solving che funzionano veramente.
  • Incrementando le tue entrate ed i tuoi profitti.
  • Riducendo lo stress nell'ambiente di lavoro.
  • making it easier, both you and your staff, to reach daily production targets.

You and your employees can follow the distance learning course (via email) or in the classroom, according to your needs. There is also a version of the course is specifically designed for entrepreneurs and another that is specific to the employees.

More than 240,000 organizations around the world are already using the principles contained in this book. Why? Why work and deliver results.

owners and employees otterranno risultati immediati non appena completeranno ogni singolo passo del corso "Il Manuale per il Successo delle Piccole e Medie Imprese".

Ordina il tuo corso adesso!     

Versione Imprenditori
Aumenta le tue performance e la cooperazione dei tuoi collaboratori. Armati con strumenti per il problem-solving che funzionano veramente. Aumenta le tue entrate ed i tuoi profitti. Riduci lo stress sul posto di lavoro. Fai si che sia facile per te ottenere le cose fatte. Ottieni tutto questo e molto altro ancora con il corso "Il Manuale per il Successo delle piccole e Medie Imprese - versione imprenditori". Il corso potrà essere amministrato via posta, fax o email.
Versione Dipendenti
Aumenta le performance e la cooperazione dei tuoi collaboratori. Arma i tuoi collaboratori con strumenti per il problem-solving che funzionano veramente. Aumenta le tue entrate ed i tuoi profitti. Riduci lo stress sul posto di lavoro. Fai si che sia facile, per i tuoi collaboratori, ottenere le cose fatte. Ottieni tutto questo e molto altro ancora con il corso "Il Manuale per il Successo delle piccole e Medie Imprese - versione dipendenti". Il corso potrà essere amministrato by mail, fax or email.

Request Info

© 2010 Studio CIS. All rights reserved. L. RON HUBBARD is a trademark and service marks owned by RTC and used with permission. Authorization WISE N. 10102301ITL

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rubberband Bracelet Meanings

NEW! Guide for Small Businesses

Scopri ciò che 240.000 imprenditori conoscono già
Il Manuale per il Successo delle Piccole e Medie Imprese
Imprenditori: POTETE avere più libertà e sicurezza finanziaria!
La tua attività funziona come una macchina ben lubrificata?
If you're like most business owners, you're probably become an entrepreneur to enjoy the freedoms that can result, and not for the problems that too often come with entrepreneurial activity.
· hire, train and retain good employees is a problem for most business owners. You place ads, get the resume, interviewing candidates, choose the right ones, spending time to train them and then they abandon you. It is a continuous cycle. How do you put it under control?
· organizer is another problem. Today, many entrepreneurs feel as if they were around all day putting out fires: move from one crisis to another. The phones do not work, one of the best customer is angry, the new advertising is not out yet, an importer delivery has not yet been made. Is there a way to overcome all these problems?
· Il marketing, il come aumentare le vendite e la ricerca di nuovi clienti è un altro grosso problema per i titolari d’azienda. Molti imprenditori passano la maggior parte del loro tempo a fare marketing e vendite.
·          Il problema più grave di tutti, che spesso arriva assieme all’attività imprenditoriale, è l'instabilità finanziaria. Pagare tutte le bollette e gli stipendi in tempo, quando le entrate non sono sufficienti, probabilmente non è una delle cosa che ti ha spinto ad aprire la tua attività.
Ma se you could only put these areas of your company under your control, you would get:
· greater cooperation and better performance from your staff;
· An increase in income and profits,
· ; A reduction of stress on posto di lavoro;
·          Una maggiore libertà per TE.
Ma come è possibile arrivarci?
Un insieme di principi che funzionano realmente
I principi amministrativi che fanno da filo conduttore di tutto il Manuale per il Successo delle Piccole e Medie Imprese si sono dimostrati efficaci per rendere un’impresa più efficiente e di successo. Il motivo per cui utilizziamo proprio questi principi è semplicemente perché funzionano. Più di 240.000 aziende in tutto the world now use these same principles, regularly getting this kind of result:
· companies that expand in an orderly manner;
· Increased productivity from the staff;
· Increase revenue and greater ability to solvency;
· Fewer problems with staff;
· ; Greater control by the entrepreneur, with more freedom and leisure at the same time!
Make a decision to improve the organization and have more freedom
Handbook for Success of Small and Medium Business gives you more successo e controllo sulla tua azienda e una maggiore libertà personale. Il cambiamento è talvolta difficile, e l’applicazione delle strategie efficaci contenute in questo libro comporterà alcuni cambiamenti. Ma se vuoi migliorare ed espandere la tua attività senza che sia lei a possederti, e se ti piacerebbe avere più libertà personale, sicuramente questo corso ti aiuterà a farlo.
Con il Manuale per il Successo delle Piccole e Medie Imprese imparerai:
·          Come aumentare le entrate senza tagliare le spese;
· How to improve employee productivity;
· How to successfully promote and cheaply;
· How to recognize and hire the best employees;
· How to motivate staff to do it to produce much higher levels;
· How to predict what your customers (and your competitors) will . The information contained in this section will amaze you in the strongest terms;
· How effectively deal with the confusion and distractions in the workplace;
· Come ridurre lo stress giornaliero dovuto alla gestione di un'impresa;
·          Come gestire la tua attività così da ottenere più tempo libero per altre attività;

Costo eBook: 29,00 euro
Ordina subito la tua copia

© 2010 Studio CIS. All rights reserved. L. RON HUBBARD is a trademark and service marks owned by RTC and used with permission. Authorization WISE N. 10102302ITL

How To Built A Dunk Tank

Sadhana Forest - a project in the project

Yesterday afternoon we braved the clouds that hung by their promise of buckets of water, and we went to visit Sadhana Forest. Sadhana means "spiritual practice", so is the name of this community is to indicate their specific commitment in respect of the forest (which was not there and now there is).

This is a community of Auroville, in the most vivid, true ... not easy to find an adjective that describes them, so tell what happened.
First Fridays pomeriggio S.F. organizza una visita alla comunità (mettendo anche un bus che parte dalla solar kitchen, visto che è un po' decentrata), offre una breve presentazione della propria storia e delle proprie attività, una visita guidata alle strutture e all'area in cui sorge, la proiezione di un film a carattere naturalistico e una cena. E noi abbiamo partecipato ad uno di questi eventi.
L'accoglienza è stata molto piacevole, sono persone che hanno piacere di raccontarsi e di diffondere le loro idee. (Qualità da non dare per scontata da queste parti, ahimè)
Sono partiti in tre, una coppia con una bambina piccola, sentivano la spinta a realizzare una nuova comunità, un luogo dove realizzare their sadhana where put their vision, and so began to live a respectful and non-violent nature of 360 ° to live environmentally, using natural resources in a conscious way, to plant trees to restore the almost desert area the richness of the forest, eating consciously, without exploiting the natural resources and without recourse to what the animals do not spontaneously would donate (food vegan, no dairy, eggs, honey ...), and without using toxic substances to the body or mind. They chose not to "do business", a sadhana forest does not sell anything, we accept donations and support is requested for expenses to the guests, the work is entirely voluntary ...

After just 5 days since the founding of the community, was presented the first volunteer to help out, and since then the aid is not missed. Currently there are about thirty residents, and a steady stream of volunteers participating in community life and collaborate in reforestation.
These days it also opened a new community in Haiti, where they went to help out after disasters of the earthquake.

In any case, we want to describe Sadhana Forest, because they have a website done very well and also available in Italian: here. They use

local materials for production, have a 12 volt current, and no problems there are lights, music, internet, word is ok.

If PV panels are not sufficient for the production of the current, you go to ride in three!

The wood stoves have been designed by an architect to use the maximum of heat, a sort of recycling smoke ..

to wash your hands, cleaners made with natural substances such as leaves and wood of the place, and not to waste talent simply amazing.

Case (huts, but very nicely decorated) to accommodate hundreds of people, placed in the context in a simple and harmonious.

Clean and Beauty che sono elementi preziosi in questi contesti così "estremi".

Disponibilità delle persone speciale, vale a dire che per loro è una delle caratteristiche importanti che caratterizza la comunità.

I fondatori hanno iniziato mettendo tutti i loro risparmi ed ora il progetto va avanti...

Fare qualcosa di importante per la natura, essere gentili, rispettosi del Tutto e di tutti resto è superfluo...

Questo è quello che ci ha dato Sadhana Forest, chissà se il nostro futuro sarà dare vita ad un progetto o sostenerne uno già avviato. Questa è la domanda sempre aperta nei nostri cuori...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Connecting A Hard Drive To A Tv

Without words ...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Put Ur Body In Another Person's Body

The Charter and the Dream of Auroville Auroville

Auroville, ecovillage? Spiritual community?

No, Auroville seems to be something else. Auroville is an idea. An experiment. A city founded because people of good will to experience the conscious living, with the aspiration to live in Truth. (... Unfortunately as I try to translate in simple terms the concepts that underlie pernsiero of Auroville and Aurobindo and Mere ... I have to give up ... I can not, I struggle to understand their philosophy, I must admit).

For Auroville there are no leaders, there are areas related to each other, but it is not easy to understand how people interact and the end is to make decisions.

Auroville is not perfect and nor is the human being.

Auroville was founded by the vision of the Mere, the Charter of Auroville, and his words in the "dream" expresses the nature and aspiration,

So runs the Auroville card:

1. Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But to live in Auroville one must be the servant of God Consciousness voluntary.

2. Auroville will be the place of unending education, of a continuous progress, and a youth without old age.

3. Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries exterior and interior, Auroville wants out boldly towards the achievements to come.

4. Auroville will be a place of research material and spiritual, to give a living body to a true Human Unity.

The Mother

And this is the dream:

"There should be somewhere in the Earth a place that no nation has the right to say:" And 'I'. A place where every man of good will, with a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world in obedience to a single authority, that of the Supreme Truth. A place of peace, concord, harmony, where the fighting instincts of man would be used exclusively to conquer la causa delle sue miserie e della sua sofferenza, per superare la debolezza e l'ignoranza, per trionfare sui propri limiti e sulle proprie incapacità. Un luogo dove i bisogni dello spirito e la ricerca del progresso prevalgano sul soddisfacimento dei desideri e delle passioni, sulla ricerca del piacere e del godimento materiale.

In questo luogo i bambini potrebbero crescere e svilupparsi integralmente senza perdere il contatto con la loro anima; l'istruzione sarebbe data non per superare esami od ottenere diplomi e sistemazioni, ma per arricchire le facoltà esistenti e farne nascere di nuove. In questo luogo i titoli e le posizioni sarebbero sostituiti da occasioni per servire ed organizzare; si provvederebbe in ugual misura ai bisogni di ognuno and intellectual superiority, moral and spiritual organization would result not in more pleasure and power, but in more duties and responsibilities. The beauty in all art forms (painting, sculpture, music and literature) would be equally accessible to all, being entitled to participate in the joy that it gives only limited by the capacity of each individual and not by social or financial position.

This is because in this place money would no longer be the sovereign master, the personal value importance would infinitely superior to that of wealth and social position. The work would not be a means to earn a living, but the means to express and develop their skills and capabilities, while serving the group as a whole which, in turn, provide the necessities of existence and scope of each.

In summary, it would be a place where the relationship between humans, which usually are based almost exclusively on competition and competition would be replaced by feelings of rivalry to cooperation and true brotherhood. "


The Mother

Announcements on Auroville can be found on the site, click here

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Return Product Already Bought

Internship Online

Stage Company
Our corporate training courses includes everything needed to administer, manage and organize a business or employment of any type and size, from smallest to largest.

Stage Company is responsible for all administrative and organizational problems that a person wants to solve in his work, but not only provides all the management tools needed to expand exactly as described in the Directives L. Ron Hubbard. All this takes place in 12 interactive lessons, with the direct supervision of a highly trained consultant to deliver this particular stage.

The internship is designed to provide the opportunity for anyone to implement a specific management technology based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard, to solve any business problem encountered in work. The program allows remote execution of instructions via the Internet from the comfort of your home or office conducted with the assistance of a trained supervisor.

Each lesson was developed with a learning system and application very simple to make there is a balance between theory and practice, focusing on results that stops the "student" during the internship, with our system for real time application, it gets in your company or job that is.

There are two options to choose from with regard to the corporate training courses:

Stage "Basic"
This consists of a stage consists of 12 lessons that will oversee e-mail from one of our consultants qualified.

The company that buys the stage "Basic" will receive a kit consisting of:

The manual "Speaking from Experience";
CD Manual (PDF)
2 books "Problems of Work" and "How to Live Though un'Executive.

These materials will be of key importance for learning ed esecuzione dello stage in tutti i suoi particolari e verranno utilizzati dallo “studente” nel corso delle 12 lezioni sotto stretta supervisione di un consulente     

Stage “Professional”

Stage Basic completo.

Inoltre, al termine delle 12 lezioni formative, il consulente e lo “studente” elaboreranno un programma fatto su misura for the company in question that are going to implement all the principles and management techniques learned for this.

The program will ensure the correct execution and putting into practice the principles learned in each portion of the Stage and comprehensive advice from a qualified targeted expansion of your business.

At the end of Basic and Professional Stage Company, will be issued a certificate of completion.

Subscribe today to the Stage
corporate training online

Online Virtual Surgeries

New Manual Speaking from Experience

This book, translated into Italian, allows the reader to greatly expand their knowledge of the rudiments of the groups and how they operate.

Although based on management, it is able to broaden the horizons of the reader in many ways. The principles that make up the fabric of this manual are based on a thorough study of 'business management, organization, people and his work. In it are set out rules of management that can be defined as universal and invariable for each activity group.

The principles are adopted worldwide by many successful companies. The situations presented in the manual are the mirror of concrete everyday experiences, rather than creating artificial circumstances designed to entertain the reader.

What differentiates this book from any other writing on the management and display of a concept per page, accompanied by illustrations. The graphical form helps the reader to obtain a more immediate conceptual understanding of 'subject matter. But do not let that mislead by its apparent simplicity. Where simplicity and truth come together, the results are extraordinary .

In any market condition, a well directed and destined to grow and prosper, while a company with poor management tends to collapse. The end of knowledge management is the key to business success in any market situation.

is a chasm that divides the poor management by the management expert, an abyss that, almost by itself, could change the course of an entire culture.

Promotional price
Order your copy today!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Farting Preacher Woman

How to choose a dedicated staff?

contact us now