Saturday, March 12, 2011

One Troy Ounce Silver Birthday Cm

The next events in Motion program

Lunedì 14 marzo ore 17 - Pisa, S.Croce in Fossabanda

Venerdì 18 marzo - Pisa e S.Croce

Lunedì 21 marzo ore 17,30 - Pisa, centro Maccarrone

Friday, March 11, 2011

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PD on renewable

We only hope that succeed in scheduling. Do not let go. Otherwise the field will die

Following the busy meeting yesterday, which saw the presence of the Secretary Bersani, with the operators of renewable , the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party has submitted to the Chamber of Deputies, a motion with the petitioner, the parent Franceschini. The aim is to commit the government to quickly remedy the grave damage caused to the entire sector with the decree adopted in creating certainty for the future of a key industrial policy in Italy. We will try to put to the vote the motion as early as next week. Obviously we will continue to follow the whole story with the attention it deserves and that we had from the outset.


Ermete Realacci - Responsible for national green economy PD

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Italy reacts: from protest to proposals to save the renewables sector - Technology Centre of Tuesday 15 March at 17 Navacchio

Come along to the initiative of the Regional CNA. The title is well the objective of the day. Go from protests to proposals to save the sector of Renewable Energies.


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Thursday, March 10, 2011

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decoupage ...

one of my many other passions is decoupage. I show you this box with the kiss of Klimit. very simple. what do you think? Good day to all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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The President Rossi against disastrous choice of the Government

Bravo Henry
completely agree with your analysis (in the rest of the post). We must work for the government to go back. The Tuscan is also to be in this case a guide for other regions.

Excellent idea of \u200b\u200bgeneral mobilization. If you want to do it ... to Pisa are available to collaborate in the organization.


Rossi wrote to the Minister of Romans: "On the government's renewable disastrous choice"

"This government is a disaster: not only does not help recovery, but also ditching the economy growing. " The said Henry Smith, President of Tuscany Region, following a decree approved by the Government from May 31 to remove all contributions to photovoltaics.

"It 's a poor choice for the method and substance. The method: it is a decision overnight – prosegue Rossi – senza consultare nessuno e senza la necessaria gradualità. Nel merito, è ancora peggio: si mettono in crisi famiglie e imprese che avevano avviato investimenti nel settore, si tolgono certezze agli imprenditori, si mette in crisi un settore innovativo per l’economia e l’ambiente e si contribuisce ad aumentare la nostra dipendenza dal petrolio, proprio mentre i prezzi della benzina salgono a cifre record”.

La Toscana è la prima regione in Italia per produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili (non idriche) con i suoi oltre 1.500 KWh per abitante contro una media italiana di circa 334 KWh. L’Irpet ha calcolato (nel 2007) che la realizzazione degli interventi finanziati from public resources alone would have produced a GDP growth of 0.5% and 7 thousand new jobs. And ever since 2007 the production of photovoltaic energy is spent in Tuscany from 5.7 MW to over 150 today, demonstrating the strong potential for growth in the sector.
are just some of the numbers of Tuscany "green" that have earned this region the second in the Italian green economy compiled by the Foundation Company. And performance numbers that now suffer a sharp setback.

"So - says Rossi - a decree stops the growth of one of the few innovative sectors of our economy with a heavy impact on employment and the environment. " The CNA Tuscan estimate 20 thousand jobs at risk. "The public incentives - said Henry Smith - have played an important role in stimulating everywhere. This is why all European countries were concerned to avoid sudden and traumatic disruption. The granting of aid must be well planned in order to have the time nor the ability to gradually replace public assistance with private ones, as in Europe. "

"It 's amazing - Rossi continues - in Italy as it is decided to implement interventions that contribute to the aggravation of a crisis, already heavy. For this reason - he concludes - I Romans Paul wrote to the Minister requesting a modification of the decree. On the same theme I sent a letter to the President of the Conference of Regions, Vasco Errani, because, considering both the content and the total absence of a comparison with the Regions, the Conference discussed the matter and take immediate action. "

President Rossi also announced that it had sent to law offices in the region to assess the existence of conditions to challenge the decree law before the Constitutional Court.

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The PD is the Constitution Party. The world's most beautiful. The 12 all in place. Stefano Ceccanti

The PD is the Constitution Party. The world's most beautiful.
The 12 all in place.

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Presentation book "The Catholic perplexed" - Friday, March 11, 2011 Stazione Leopolda hours 18 PISA

Dear all,
pleased to invite you to the Presentation of the Book of Senator Stephen Ceccanti "The Catholic puzzled," which will take place on Friday 11th March at 18 c / o Stazione Leopolda

I'll be there, I hope to meet you

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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The decree should be changed immediately - Here is the question raised yesterday by the House and Ferrante Realacci and the Senate

A special thanks to Hermes for the effort they are putting us in a very complex battle for democracy (in the rest of the post Parliamentary Question)! If things do not change the system will collapse ... and farewell to 100 000 places work (average age less than 35 years).

The Government seems deaf. It 'necessary to make our voices heard. The voice of those operators and those organizations that have developed the only market in Italy cyclical


"The decree on renewables, as currently drafted, is a tombstone on the sector. Should be amended as soon as possible, well before the April 30, they shed a total uncertainty in the industry as a whole and has already blocked all the investments in place, "the state Hon. Ermete Realacci, head green economy of the Democratic Party and Sen. Frank Ferrante, Head of Climate change and energy policies of the Democratic Party, who presented to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate a question to the Ministry of Economic Development and the Environment Decree on Renewable signed among others by Mr Franceschini and Mariani and Sen. Della Seta.

"The approval of the decree, and continue Realacci Ferrante," has raised a serious warning to any association of entrepreneurs in the renewable energy sector and the vast majority of enterprises so that in the hours before the approval of the decree, Government has received over 14 thousand emails of protest. In addition, the banking system has already announced the suspension of funding available in this sector and a meeting of 'Abi on the subject, scheduled for March 16. "

"We are faced with a decision of an unprecedented gravity that affects one of the leading sectors of the economy of the future," added Realacci and Ferrante, "and is even more serious when one considers that the renewable energy sector in this period economic crisis was among the few who, in contrast, increased employment. In the only PV is estimated to be employed, directly or indirectly, about 120 thousand people. "

"The decree in the version approved, "said Realacci today also addressed in plenary on the order of jobs," as well as making it very difficult to achieve the European objectives, takes no account of the numerous conditions imposed in the unanimous opinion rendered by the competent Committees the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. One more reason for urgent action to correct the errors committed and understatements, retrieve the information came from the Parliament and the Conference of the Regions, and arrive as quickly as possible, avoid uncertainty for the entire industry, to ' adoption of the ministerial ceilings without imposing limiting market development and recognizing the value of appropriate incentives. "

This full text parliamentary question tabled by Ferrante and Dl Realacci on Renewable

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March 10 ARCI Alberone

For the education of policy
"Fundamentals and Part in the Italian Constitution"

Thursday, March 10 at 21 Circolo Arci Alberone (Via S. Agostino 199 - Pisa)

debate on the theme:
Health, education, training and support. Social rights

Join Paul Carrozza (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)

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Holy Alliance in the second round - by GA Falci (www.frontpage. En)

It 's a Rosi Bindi making the trials by the center-left candidate for prime minister extended to the third pole that ended the penultimate day of political training seminar, organized by the youth dem in Pisa, from the suggestive title "The words and the things the Democrats." For the occasion, the seminar is open to the public, and the Tuscan town, among the most dem of Italy, not ha mancato l’appuntamento. Giovani, meno giovani, donne e anziani, c’era tutto questo al Palazzo dei congressi di Pisa. La direttrice di YouDem, Chiara Geloni, a moderare il dibattito, e la presidente Bindi e il giovane leader dem Fausto Raciti a rispondere alle domande. I temi: l’attualità politica, il ddl sul testamento biologico, il caso Mirafiori, le alleanze, e il rapporto giovani-Pd.

Ma è quando la Bindi prende la parola che la sala si esalta, addirittura un toscanaccio d’antan arriva ad urlare: ”Rosi for president!”. E la sala pronta ad applaudire. Esordisce così Rosi: ”Noi dobbiamo fare di tutto per scrollarci di dosso questa caricatura che ci hanno attaccato…”. Intanto “non è vero che sulla Fiat non abbiamo avuto una posizione”, ma “vi posso assicurare che se noi fossimo stati al governo non avremmo mandato da solo Marchionne a trattare con il governo americano, e allo stesso tempo non avremmo lasciato da soli gli operai…”. Si direbbe, semplice ragionare in questi termini.

E sul ddl sul fine vita? Bindi dà una risposta che spiazza la sala: ”Io, da cattolica, mi sento di affermare che non può essere una legge a stabilire la vita o la morte”. La sala reagisce positivamente e l’applauso perdura per qualche minuto. Then comes the issue that everyone is waiting in the hall: Holy Alliance, Holy Alliance or not? After the appeal of the columns of Enrico Morando Sheet "for a Democratic Party that the baskets riparian holy alliance against Berlusconi, the chairman of the Democratic Party is convinced that" we need a new alliance between liberals and moderates. " The node is like. Besides, "if by chance you materialize the third prong is to throw away?".

Vendola's name was not uttered by the Democratic president, nor the party of the governor of Puglia. Bindi thinks of the next administration as the first test case for building an alternative credible. The president's reasoning is summarized as follows: if the municipalities involved will go to vote with the three sides, it would weigh the value of the phantom third pole. At that point in the second round you could build a third terminal Pd-axis that would certainly be reflected in the view of the forthcoming policies. Political fiction? Bindi believes, and the people dem Pisa idem. On all a woman whispers to her friend at the end of the debate: "I felt pretty aggressive, which makes it better on TV, not that poor ... Bersani. And now?

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's over the training school ... a great experience

Pisa was to place four days of discussion and debate on the identity of our party with an eye toward the future. Many young people from all over Italy. A great work by GD Pisa. A nice atmosphere ... new friends ... a lot of participation. 250 boys and girls enrolled from all over Italy. 500 people who came to the open plenary sessions and a great desire for training.
Yesterday ended this wonderful experience. We did it through the voice of Massimo D'Alema, who has compared the crisis on international issues, globalization, the possibility of a new cycle of progress in Europe, but also on local politics, in particular the identity and stopping the line political party.

the end it was a feast of voices, sounds, ideas for a better Italy

But that's not there. After the discussion, we went to visit the site of the Roman ships (I presented the question time in the room, where Bondi has not even presented in a previous post http:// / watch? v = J2sSW09hj6Y) and the arsenals of the Medici.
A very interesting visit which shows the great potential of our city and cultural choices to the bottom of the National Government on these issues. Not being able to find € 350 000 for routine maintenance means not believe in the value of the site. A heritage that could also be a great asset to the tourist town and country, not to mention its great cultural value by itself sufficient to justify funding (http://ww / watch? v = 9wfTFTVaAx4 & feature = player_embedded)

Monday, March 7, 2011

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give me yesterday I received an award from karissima Paola
that I am very grateful. ps. you are very kind. now it's giving me this award with 10 other creative and write 10 things about me.
my choice is this:
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instead of I can tell you:
1) hate falsehood
2) I love my family
3) I like to create, it relaxes me.
4) I like to read
5) love la musica
6)  non sopporto le persone che fanno finta di non vederti.
7)  amo il mare
8)  sono impulsiva
9)  sono contenta di aver aperto un blog perchè ora ho tanta amiche in piu'.
10)  evviva l'amore.

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transform our clubs in permanent schools of political education - BRAVA BINDI

"We turn our schools into permanent circles training policy ": one of the many beautiful things that the President of the Democratic Party yesterday said with irrepressible enthusiasm and passion to an audience of 500 young people and citizens to" Words and things the Democrats. "

really a good time for political debate in which the Rosy ( see accompanying article) has become much more innovative of the National Secretary Young Democrats. In front of a packed house, the president of the National Democratic Party has faced some political issues on the agenda in the national debate. He stressed that the PD is much more than the culmination of the metamorphosis PCI, PDS, DS, or you non-military inside. The Democratic Party is the party that has collected in its most authentic Italian democratic tradition with the clear intention to renew

The boys, from all over Italy, have been enthusiastic and at the end of big picture group!

Today it's up to D'Alema and all sorry this wonderful training course you are already concluding

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9 March: Forum Constitution provincial associations of the department, hunting, sports, law, justice and historical memory

Below the wheel of an initiative to be held March 9 at 18 at the provincial office of PD. On that occasion, the Forum will be set up provincial associations of the department, hunting, sports, law, justice and historical memory.

will be a first but important opportunity to discuss the commitment of our party on the issues mentioned above. It 'important to have a large turnout

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'No' to election day will cost 300 million euro - It 's outrageous

all'election Say no day is throwing out the window of € 300 million at a time of economic crisis for families and workers. There are no logical reasons not to merge the day of elections also vote on the referendum on the water, on the nuclear issue and the cause for such failure. The government there will have to explain the reasons for this choice when the rash on March 14 will be discussed in plenary our motion.


The Chamber, said that
the Constitutional Court, on January 12, 2011, approved the eligibility of four petitions for referenda repeal: a) mode of custody and management of local public services of economic importance. Repeal, b) determination of the tariff of water service based on adequate return on invested capital. Partial repeal of rule; c) new plant for the production of nuclear energy. Partial repeal of rules; d) Repeal of Law April 7, 2010, No 51, in respect of such failure of the Prime Ministers and Ministers to appear in criminal court;
in accordance with Article 34 of Law No 352, 1970, the President of the Republic, after deliberation by the Council of Ministers Decree index with the referendum, they arranged for the convening of the voters in a Sunday between April 15 and June 15;
the Law 352 of 1970 which regulates only prevents the referendum, as declared in Article 31, the combination of elections and referenda;
in the spring 1310 Italian municipalities that are going to vote in local elections, and among these, 11 cities which have a population greater than 100,000 inhabitants: Milan, Naples, Turin, Bologna, Trieste, Ravenna, Cagliari, Rimini, Salerno, Latina and Novara. Arezzo, Barletta and Catanzaro, just under 100,000. It will also be elections for the renewal of the elected bodies of Molise and eleven provincial administrations: Reggio Calabria, Ravenna, Trieste, Gorizia, Mantova, Pavia, Macerata, Campobasso, Vercelli, Lucca, Treviso;
not merge the date of the elections of 2011 with the referendum would be a very serious choice, not only for the inconvenience which would result in many citizens to vote three times for three weeks, but also because it would involve a cost to taxpayers Italian so high as to be unbearable;
the economic crisis makes it necessary to modulate the elections in an even more careful for the sake of saving the community in order to use the resources saved in the service of public
the recent Italian election history shows that the electorate is fully able to express different assessments also on elections which take place simultaneously,

commits the Government to take responsibility initiatives designed to fix the date of the meeting of electors for the four abrogation of the 2011 referendum on the same Sunday when voters are called up for the first round of elections administrative 2011.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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March - A Primitive Calendar

grazie a Rita   sal 2011  Niky's creations
ecco la mia interpretazione.  vi piace ? spero sia di vostro gradimento.
buona giornata a tutte.

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Abbiamo organizzato un viaggio in Piemonte, e, perchè no? una piccola, semplice presentazione di questa nostra avventura...
Ovviamente libera e aperta a tutti, chissà che non sia un'occasione per incontrarci di persona?

Friday, March 4, 2011

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A green lung in the heart of the city - regenerating

One hectare of green park in the heart of the city, a picnic area with playground, perimeter walls to the medieval. The full restoration dele walls themselves and the "walk" with the ability to access the walls to get a idversa view of the city. E 'with what is happening in the central Via Garibaldi, close to Piazza New Year's Eve and in conjunction with the redevelopment of the square. A series of unknown and unused space today that are reclassified and made all'usufruibilità citizens. Another important piece of the changing city.

Excellent interview with Mark: Now we control the timing of redevelopment

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From Piazza San Silvestro Today the School of Education Policy National Democratic Party in PISA

Party School today National Training Policy of PD. I will keep you informed on developments in three days of great value to our region and to create values increasingly shared within the PD. 250 boys from all over Italy with us in Pisa to discuss the future.

Here is a presentation of my interview on News

"For us - explains Antonio Mazzeo responsible for organization of the PD at the provincial level - is a very important fact that Pisa has been chosen as a location for this appointment of absolute national level and demonstrates once again that our city is a laboratory where you can carry political debate and where we have the organizational capacity to carry out similar initiatives. "

"This school - continues Mazzeo - is a mix that will meet the world of culture with that of politics and academia to discuss topical issues and not just policy, with the possibility for those not enrolled in school to participate, as the initiatives and roundtables will be open to the public. "

Today there are 225 members at this event. "There is a lady of 75 years - tells us responsible for organization of the Democratic Party - which comes from the Veneto, as the boy of 16 in his first political experience and obviously there are many, and Pisa present Tuscans ".

This appointment comes at a time of deep crisis in the Italian political system in which there are also differences and debates within the Democratic Party. In that regard, Mazzeo said:" I think that similar initiatives are very important. The Democratic Party is right to continue to do research work and defining its identity as it is born from the integration of different cultures. But above all I think this school gives a sense of where the Democratic Party wants to go. I hope the city will accept as he always did with participation in this meeting, confirming once again its role as a political think tank. "

The complete program and schedule are consultabilisul site>

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Yesterday I understood very little - we return to confront the future of the city

whooping Day yesterday in City Council. We started with a question time Councillor Garza on certain acts forwarded by the Bureau to designated offices. Define instrumental question time is the minimum. I did this on facebook yesterday. I repeat it today, even more so after the Council Garza (again) at a point of order on the request not to resume the work of the Movement to 5 stars, who had received formal approval, has revived the question of time emphasizing the lack of management capacity of the City Council. On news
Pisa ( today we are asked what all centers with the city's problems?
my opinion has nothing to do! Citizens (now I have received many emails) ask us to continue our work, which until now has been very buono! Se qualche piccolo problemino esiste...non serve amplificarlo, ma è importante lavorarci con la solita dedizione per superarlo.

COn la buona volontà e le competenze di tutti i colleghi del gruppo PD e della maggioranza sono certo che a breve torneremo a pensare solo ai cittadini e a rendere Pisa ancora piu bella

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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UNCERTAINTY AND 'ENEMY OF THE FUTURE - The draft document on renewable energy which will be voted by the Council of Ministers

Bene un passo indietro. Ma l'incertezza è nemica del futuro.
Ho appena letto il testo del documento che verrà votato dal consiglio dei Ministri e, anche se ancora non mi convince totalmente, lo ritengo un buon passo indietro. C'è ancora molto da fare per rendere l'Italia un Paese all'avanguardia su questi temi. Un percorso lungo e che le lobbies del nucleare tenteranno in tutti ways to stop.
policy must be able to look ahead!
thanks to Hermes for the great work done in these days


"The situation is not yet clear, but we are facing an important step away from the mortal blow that the Government was about to launch renewables. One stop that has taken place thanks to the mobilization that involved, as well as the Democratic Party, also economic and social forces, working in the sector, institutions and numerous representatives of the majority to begin by the Minister Prestigiacomo. Time is now giving priority to certain rules in order to continue successfully in Italy sources, a strategic sector for the future of our country and should be improved to be more transparent, eliminating waste and abuse, with simplified procedures and decreasing contributions to promote the latest technologies and support the full entry. And so we ask that the Government is to report to Parliament as soon as possible, because the devil lurks in the details. "
"An Italy that has finally set in motion in this field," said Realacci, "and that it sets ambitious targets in Europe as those countries like Germany, it needs clear and transparent rules. Uncertainty is the enemy of the future. "

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We - 10 million Italians say ENOUGH

La notizia dell’ultim’ora dice che sono stati raggiunti i 10 milioni di firme per chiedere le dimissioni di Berlusconi.

La consegna delle firme avverrà a palazzo Chigi, l'8 marzo, giorno della festa della donna. Una data simbolica, che rappresenta in maniera totalmente difforme dalla visione del premier il ruolo e l’impegno delle donne nella vita pubblica.

Noi nel nostro piccolo abbiamo fatto davvero tanto! Un grazie di cuore a tutti i volontari che si sono adoperati a raccogliere le firme. In provincia di Pisa per ora siamo oltre 30 mila firme. Ma tante altre sono in arrival. In the coming days will give the final figure


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training school policy - Here are events open to all

Dear all, attached school initiatives of political education for everyone!

Come along

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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rural life

Sfogliando l'indirizzario delle famiglie aderenti alla Rete Scuola Familiare, avevamo visto già da un po' che c'era una famiglia con figli più o meno coetanei di Martino e Nicolò che viveva a pochi chilometri da qui, qualche giorno fa abbiamo telefonato e poche ore dopo eravamo a casa loro davanti ad una buona tisana calda. Abbiamo così conosciuto questa famiglia, di origini israeliane, che hanno bought land here, inside the park Subasio. Gaming have an outbuilding in which they live at the moment, waiting to prepare a home more comfortable. Cultivate the land, producing oil, honey and vegetables and are determined to live as possible with the fruits of their labor, for a choice of simple life, in contact with nature, with which to create a relationship of collaboration and synergy. The children have never gone to school because they think it is especially important for a child to learn practical things of real life: where it comes from the food we eat, how things we use and much more, it is difficult to describe in words . In the meantime have learned to read and write and arithmetic, because they need to live.

They chose this land because here they found several "pro" including a network of people like to identify with the ideals with which to meet and support each another.

This is a new movement of peasants, who, like them, have chosen to leave a life in the city, in Italy or elsewhere in the world, to pursue a rural life, and dedicated to self-directed to ' autonomy ... people who are part of the Italian Network of Bioregionalism, which are part of a publication by the evocative name of Seminasogni and who meet locally once a month to set up small markets " illegal" where people meet and exchange their products, or they are sold out, however, the logic of the market real ...

It 's a phenomenon that has spread here in central Italy which are affiliated persons of all ages and different realities, united by the desire for a new, free and true, made up of self-production, exchange and barter . In these markets, we also met with families looking for a life together that we face and we feel to be close.

There are also historical families who have made the sobriety of self and being farmers a real way of being and of doing politics in this society.

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Debate on Integration and Galilei Peretola: the time to find the summary!

For many days discussing the role dell'Aeroprto of Pisa and the Florence and their possible integration. Everyone these days has told her.

I But that finished the stage of public statements (there was also lacking the Civil Aviation Authority), it is timely to discuss the appropriate fora such as done by the City Council of Pisa, in order to define the best solution (to put the Reds "and no vetoes fanaticism of the "- insert accompanying article) for the creation of the third Italian airport system that can be impulse to growth and economic development of the region that might otherwise be" marginal. " From this, we must consider the method with the two hypotheses on the track and after careful analysis to choose a solution to be pursued.

share the words of Mayor Filippeschi what he called "concern and distress of the Civil Aviation Authority and the positions that need more clarity '(in the video channel service to its 50 statements).

on Punto Radio this morning I heard the words of the regional council for PDL Donzelli (but elected to Florence Pisa), who said Saturday that the PDL (months have passed since the beginning of the debate) will tell us what they think. We can not wait to figure it out! In the City Council have put forward no motion ... maybe because they were in trouble?

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Time Reflections

Tre mesi fermi, a lasciare sedimentare le cose viste ed imparate nel corso del viaggio, per capire che cosa è rimasto, per capire dove andare e come muovere il prossimo passo.

Questo era l'obiettivo... ma non è stato proprio così. Siamo stati fermi sì, ma abbiamo incontrato tantissime persone, tante realtà interessanti, ci siamo confrontati con stili di vita e scelte diverse... abbiamo ancora una volta imparato un sacco di cose.

E così abbiamo deciso di riprendere questo blog, perchè anche in questo momento stanziale, in realtà il viaggio continua.

It is said that all the crazy people have come to Assisi, because it thinks there is between those of a stone tower of the church of San Francesco, which draw them ... all are crazy to find the stone, do not find it (because maybe there is one) but they continue to search ... and so do not go anymore.

Assisi If you go to the Rock and exit from the port city Perlici, is like entering an enchanted valley: suddenly ordered the stone houses and narrow streets give way to nature, to an impressive nature made up of steep slopes and forests, beautiful views ... and nothing else.

It is there that he began what some time ago called Little India .

Many special people in search of a life more real, which follows the dictates of the heart and spirit, from other regions or abroad, live in these places and the slopes of Mount Subasio loved ones in San Francisco.

And so we, as good scientists we were curious to know some of them.

There must also be said that our dear friend Esperanza had left us a precious piece of paper full of details and particulars of persons to contact for any need.


We needed to make bread which, after a forced break as travelers, we immediately started a fare ogni settimana, e così abbiamo contattato una piccola comunità ad un paio di kilometri dalla casa in cui ci troviamo .

La nostra visita si è trasformata in un incontro profondo, in cui ci è stato dato da capire l'essenza che lega le persone di questa comunità, raccolta intorno alla loro guida , un uomo saggio che dedica la propria vita a mettere in pratica ciò che c'è di più importante, la natura del nostro essere, il contatto con chi veramente noi siamo, l'autosufficienza... Tre adulti e cinque ragazzi vivono in questo bellissimo casale di pietra, coltivano l'orto e producono un po' di cereali, lavorano il legno e condividono la vita in modo gioioso...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Farewell to sources - I hope the Government change your mind otherwise at risk 120,000 jobs (many in the province of Pisa)

Resto sempre piu esterrefatto dalle posizioni che il Governo sta assumendo in ogni settore dalla scuola, alla giustizia per finire all'ambiente.
E' notizia di pochi giorni che gia da domani, con un decreto del Consiglio dei ministri si potrà dare avvio ad un brutale stop al settore delle rinnovabili. Questo rappresenterebbe uno sgambetto a un comparto che in questi anni ha avuto la caratteristica, unica nell'industria nazionale, di essere anticiclico. Secondo le diverse valutazioni il fatturato 2010 del settore FV dovrebbe attestarsi infatti tra 25 e 40 miliardi di euro, quindi più del 2% del Pil 2010.
Questa decisione comporterà gravissimi problemi a 44mila famiglie tra eolico e fotovoltaico che liable to find themselves jobless, with a rule that passes over the will of Parliament. Moreover, this choice will cause enormous damage in terms of economy and the expectation of reaching the 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020.
not worry about it means not to look ahead. We hope that the day
ports council

Here's the note on Realacci

"Minister Romans consciously lies it states that the incentives for renewable Italians have cost 20 billion euro between 2009 and 2010. The vast majority of these resources have nothing to do with renewable sources over the past years we have spent between 40 and 50 billion € to finance fossil fuels and the closure of old nuclear power. Ben spent there would make the country a leader in the field of renewables. Now that Italy has finally set in motion, the ideological fury of the Romans Minister, we hope thwarted by the Minister Prestigiacomo, threatens to scuttle a sector that is expanding and is already employed as 5 times the Fiat, "says the Hermes Realacci, commenting on the statements of Minister Romani about incentives for renewables.
"It 's good to remember that if Italy has now exceeded 3000 MW of solar," said Realacci, "Germany, which certainly can not rely on our own sunshine, the end of 2010 has installed over 16,000 MW of PV, of which only 6500 installed in 2010. And the goal for 2020 is 52,000 MW. This does not mean that the renewable energy sector should be improved: need more transparency should be simplified procedures and decreasing the need to make contributions in order to encourage the most innovative technologies and encourage the full entry. But if the Government will maintain the intentions are proclaimed today, will not only betrayed the views put forward by the relevant parliamentary committees of the House and Senate and the Conference of State, but is likely to miss Italy a train of extraordinary importance for the future ".

Monday, February 28, 2011

Go Kart Frames For 14hp Motor

Here you can listen to the debate yesterday to Point Radio with Dante (SEL) Pizzi (PDL), Muscatello (API)