Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Aveeno Lotion Good For Tattoos

Farewell to sources - I hope the Government change your mind otherwise at risk 120,000 jobs (many in the province of Pisa)

Resto sempre piu esterrefatto dalle posizioni che il Governo sta assumendo in ogni settore dalla scuola, alla giustizia per finire all'ambiente.
E' notizia di pochi giorni che gia da domani, con un decreto del Consiglio dei ministri si potrà dare avvio ad un brutale stop al settore delle rinnovabili. Questo rappresenterebbe uno sgambetto a un comparto che in questi anni ha avuto la caratteristica, unica nell'industria nazionale, di essere anticiclico. Secondo le diverse valutazioni il fatturato 2010 del settore FV dovrebbe attestarsi infatti tra 25 e 40 miliardi di euro, quindi più del 2% del Pil 2010.
Questa decisione comporterà gravissimi problemi a 44mila famiglie tra eolico e fotovoltaico che liable to find themselves jobless, with a rule that passes over the will of Parliament. Moreover, this choice will cause enormous damage in terms of economy and the expectation of reaching the 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020.
not worry about it means not to look ahead. We hope that the day
ports council

Here's the note on Realacci

"Minister Romans consciously lies it states that the incentives for renewable Italians have cost 20 billion euro between 2009 and 2010. The vast majority of these resources have nothing to do with renewable sources over the past years we have spent between 40 and 50 billion € to finance fossil fuels and the closure of old nuclear power. Ben spent there would make the country a leader in the field of renewables. Now that Italy has finally set in motion, the ideological fury of the Romans Minister, we hope thwarted by the Minister Prestigiacomo, threatens to scuttle a sector that is expanding and is already employed as 5 times the Fiat, "says the Hermes Realacci, commenting on the statements of Minister Romani about incentives for renewables.
"It 's good to remember that if Italy has now exceeded 3000 MW of solar," said Realacci, "Germany, which certainly can not rely on our own sunshine, the end of 2010 has installed over 16,000 MW of PV, of which only 6500 installed in 2010. And the goal for 2020 is 52,000 MW. This does not mean that the renewable energy sector should be improved: need more transparency should be simplified procedures and decreasing the need to make contributions in order to encourage the most innovative technologies and encourage the full entry. But if the Government will maintain the intentions are proclaimed today, will not only betrayed the views put forward by the relevant parliamentary committees of the House and Senate and the Conference of State, but is likely to miss Italy a train of extraordinary importance for the future ".


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