Friday, March 4, 2011

Where I Can Buy Leon Animal

Yesterday I understood very little - we return to confront the future of the city

whooping Day yesterday in City Council. We started with a question time Councillor Garza on certain acts forwarded by the Bureau to designated offices. Define instrumental question time is the minimum. I did this on facebook yesterday. I repeat it today, even more so after the Council Garza (again) at a point of order on the request not to resume the work of the Movement to 5 stars, who had received formal approval, has revived the question of time emphasizing the lack of management capacity of the City Council. On news
Pisa ( today we are asked what all centers with the city's problems?
my opinion has nothing to do! Citizens (now I have received many emails) ask us to continue our work, which until now has been very buono! Se qualche piccolo problemino esiste...non serve amplificarlo, ma è importante lavorarci con la solita dedizione per superarlo.

COn la buona volontà e le competenze di tutti i colleghi del gruppo PD e della maggioranza sono certo che a breve torneremo a pensare solo ai cittadini e a rendere Pisa ancora piu bella


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