Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Menopause Smelly Urine

rural life

Sfogliando l'indirizzario delle famiglie aderenti alla Rete Scuola Familiare, avevamo visto già da un po' che c'era una famiglia con figli più o meno coetanei di Martino e Nicolò che viveva a pochi chilometri da qui, qualche giorno fa abbiamo telefonato e poche ore dopo eravamo a casa loro davanti ad una buona tisana calda. Abbiamo così conosciuto questa famiglia, di origini israeliane, che hanno bought land here, inside the park Subasio. Gaming have an outbuilding in which they live at the moment, waiting to prepare a home more comfortable. Cultivate the land, producing oil, honey and vegetables and are determined to live as possible with the fruits of their labor, for a choice of simple life, in contact with nature, with which to create a relationship of collaboration and synergy. The children have never gone to school because they think it is especially important for a child to learn practical things of real life: where it comes from the food we eat, how things we use and much more, it is difficult to describe in words . In the meantime have learned to read and write and arithmetic, because they need to live.

They chose this land because here they found several "pro" including a network of people like to identify with the ideals with which to meet and support each another.

This is a new movement of peasants, who, like them, have chosen to leave a life in the city, in Italy or elsewhere in the world, to pursue a rural life, and dedicated to self-directed to ' autonomy ... people who are part of the Italian Network of Bioregionalism, which are part of a publication by the evocative name of Seminasogni and who meet locally once a month to set up small markets " illegal" where people meet and exchange their products, or they are sold out, however, the logic of the market real ...

It 's a phenomenon that has spread here in central Italy which are affiliated persons of all ages and different realities, united by the desire for a new, free and true, made up of self-production, exchange and barter . In these markets, we also met with families looking for a life together that we face and we feel to be close.

There are also historical families who have made the sobriety of self and being farmers a real way of being and of doing politics in this society.


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