Bravo Henry
completely agree with your analysis (in the rest of the post). We must work for the government to go back. The Tuscan is also to be in this case a guide for other regions.
Excellent idea of \u200b\u200bgeneral mobilization. If you want to do it ... to Pisa are available to collaborate in the organization.
Rossi wrote to the Minister of Romans: "On the government's renewable disastrous choice"
"This government is a disaster: not only does not help recovery, but also ditching the economy growing. " The said Henry Smith, President of Tuscany Region, following a decree approved by the Government from May 31 to remove all contributions to photovoltaics.
"It 's a poor choice for the method and substance. The method: it is a decision overnight – prosegue Rossi – senza consultare nessuno e senza la necessaria gradualità. Nel merito, è ancora peggio: si mettono in crisi famiglie e imprese che avevano avviato investimenti nel settore, si tolgono certezze agli imprenditori, si mette in crisi un settore innovativo per l’economia e l’ambiente e si contribuisce ad aumentare la nostra dipendenza dal petrolio, proprio mentre i prezzi della benzina salgono a cifre record”.
La Toscana è la prima regione in Italia per produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili (non idriche) con i suoi oltre 1.500 KWh per abitante contro una media italiana di circa 334 KWh. L’Irpet ha calcolato (nel 2007) che la realizzazione degli interventi finanziati from public resources alone would have produced a GDP growth of 0.5% and 7 thousand new jobs. And ever since 2007 the production of photovoltaic energy is spent in Tuscany from 5.7 MW to over 150 today, demonstrating the strong potential for growth in the sector.
are just some of the numbers of Tuscany "green" that have earned this region the second in the Italian green economy compiled by the Foundation Company. And performance numbers that now suffer a sharp setback.
"So - says Rossi - a decree stops the growth of one of the few innovative sectors of our economy with a heavy impact on employment and the environment. " The CNA Tuscan estimate 20 thousand jobs at risk. "The public incentives - said Henry Smith - have played an important role in stimulating everywhere. This is why all European countries were concerned to avoid sudden and traumatic disruption. The granting of aid must be well planned in order to have the time nor the ability to gradually replace public assistance with private ones, as in Europe. "
"It 's amazing - Rossi continues - in Italy as it is decided to implement interventions that contribute to the aggravation of a crisis, already heavy. For this reason - he concludes - I Romans Paul wrote to the Minister requesting a modification of the decree. On the same theme I sent a letter to the President of the Conference of Regions, Vasco Errani, because, considering both the content and the total absence of a comparison with the Regions, the Conference discussed the matter and take immediate action. "
President Rossi also announced that it had sent to law offices in the region to assess the existence of conditions to challenge the decree law before the Constitutional Court.
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